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Notice to All Providers for EPCS (Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances)

All providers will need to undergo a new identify proofing process before June 30, 2019 to be able to prescribe controlled substances. The current vendor (Zentry Verizon) has informed Allscripts that it will no longer be a Credentialed Service Provider as of June 30, 2019.

The EHR team will be scheduling time at all locations beginning in April to assist each of you through the identity proofing process again. More information to follow on scheduling and items that will be needed to complete the process.

One caveat: For the unforeseeable future, the only option is to have an app on your phone to generate a passcode. There will be NO hard token. A token option will be available in a later Allscripts EHR upgrade which at this time is unknown.

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