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Looking for Doctors to Share Your Expertise

At Starling Physicians, we have a tremendous amount of knowledge across the healthcare spectrum. We would like to share your knowledge with current patients, potential patients, and the general public.  Topics may include: new advancements in your field, common questions you frequently are asked, when people should seek care, or general information about diseases or conditions.

We have a wide range of channels to share this knowledge:

  • Interviews on radio, TV, or newspapers
  • Posts on Starling’s social media channels
  • Articles in Starling’s quarterly patient newsletters
  • Updates on Starling website on specialty pages, your profile page, or News updates
  • Short, informational videos that we would like to shoot this year on a range of topics
  • Slides on waiting room TV monitors that are soon to be rolled out in select locations

A little content goes a long way!  All we need from you is a few minutes of your time

Contact Robin Walden at if you are interested in sharing your expertise. Robin will work with you on developing content and selecting the optimal communication channels. It can be a simple as answering a few questions on email, having a brief phone conversation, or even forwarding her some patient materials that she can utilize.

Thank you for your help.

The Marketing Team