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Department of Social Services Audits Provide Documentation Guidance for Starling

In September 2014, Connecticut Multispecialty Group’s Internal Medicine practice, as well as several medical specialty practices, were audited by CT’s Department of Social Services (DSS). 

In August 2015, the Pediatric practice in the Grove Hill Medical Centers was also audited by DSS.  In both cases, DSS found areas for improvement and imposed significant fines on the practices. 

Starling’s legal counsel and our Compliance Department, led by Cindy Kisselburgh, appealed the findings and the fines, and achieved a significant reduction in the fines. 

Both audits reveal opportunities for Starling to maintain more precise documentation that supports the care we actually provide and does not expose our providers to the risk of the very significant fines that can result from a DSS audit. 

Please click here for an overview of these audits and lessons learned.