Call: 860-258-3470

How To Contact Each Other During and After the ShoreTel Migration

Some extension numbers will change when GH branches are moved onto the new ShoreTel phones. Although you will need to use the new extensions once you are a ShoreTel site, while on the legacy Grove Hill phone system, continue to use the same directory and extensions for other GH sites whether or not they are on ShoreTel.

Once you become a ShoreTel site, you will need to learn the new extensions for those that have changed.  You can find all of the ShoreTel extensions in the  “Communicator” which is a desktop Directory for which everyone on the ShoreTel phone system has access.

In other words:

  1. Calls from Grove Hill sites with legacy Grove Hill phones remain unchanged. Please continue to use the extensions and numbers that you have for all other Grove Hill and CMG branches.
  2. Calls from any site that now has ShoreTel phones – please use the “Communicator Directory” on the ShoreTel phone system to look up numbers for CMG and GH branches.

Important Note:  None of the Main Numbers for any of the Practices will change.

ShoreTel Phone System roll-out schedule