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Congratulations On Your Pregnancy!

We want you to have an easy healthy pregnancy and hope this reference will answer many of your questions. If you are ever in doubt, contact your provider’s office so we can be of assistance.


Office Visits: We will see you every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, then weekly until you give birth. The first visit will include a full physical exam, a detailed medical history, and an overview of your pregnancy care. The subsequent visits will include checking your weight, blood pressure and urine, estimating the size of your uterus, and, after 12 weeks, listening to your baby’s heartbeat. This is your time to ask questions!

Ultrasound: We plan 3 ultrasounds during the pregnancy. The first is at or before your first visit to help determine an accurate due date. The second is usually between 18 and 20 weeks. This is the best time to assess the growth and well-being of your baby. It is also the best time to determine the sex of the baby. The third is to assess fetal growth and occurs at 32 weeks or later.

Labs: After the first visit you will have your blood drawn to check for blood type, blood counts, syphilis, rubella (German measles), HIV, and hepatitis. We will also check your urine for bacteria. You will be offered recommended but optional genetic testing. At appropriate times during the pregnancy, some of these will be rechecked and you will also be screened for diabetes and Group B beta strep (GBS). Click here for a list of Starling’s convenient lab locations.

The Baby: Most women will begin to feel movement around 18-20 weeks gestation. Later for a first baby, and earlier for subsequent babies is normal too. At first, it may be subtle and once or twice a day, but as the baby grows, it will become more vigorous. Please let us know if there is a significant change in the pattern of your baby’s movement.

Labor: Labor can begin in many ways… backache, pressure, contractions, breaking your bag of water. Do not be surprised by false starts- it may take the body a while to get coordinated! If you think you are in labor or are not sure, please call our office…any time. If you are a MIDWIFE PATIENT, please let the physician know!